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全民骰宝 1.5.0
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骰宝是一种古老的中国骰子游戏,在古代尤为盛行。玩家押注三个在笼子中转动的骰子的旋转结果。您可以同时押注在桌面上的一个或多个数字。游戏的牌桌分割成几部分押注区域,每一个区域代表不同类的骰子结果或组合。游戏流程分为以下几个环节:新开局: 此时荷官摇动骰钟,停止后开始下注等待下注: 此时用户可以点击投注区进行投注,确认后完成下注,买定离手不得撤销公布结果: 荷官揭开骰钟,显示骰子结果和中奖区域发放奖励: 根据用户投注种类和数额,进行结果清算术语解释:全围: 也称豹子,指三颗骰子点数完全一样。指定全围: 压全围开出的点数为指定的1、2、3、4、5或6任意全围: 任意一种全围,不管具体点数大小: 总和11-17点为大,4-19点为小,遇到全围(豹子)通杀赔率: 大小: 1赔1, 遇全围(豹子)通杀指定全围: 1赔150任意全围: 1赔24总和: 各种总和赔率不一, 具体参见游戏赌桌,遇全围(豹子)通杀单一点数: 开出一个1赔1, 开出两个1赔2,开出三个1赔3对子: 至少存在两颗用户选定的点数,1赔8牌九式: 15种2颗骰的非对子组合,1赔5Sic Bo is anancientChinese dice game, is particularly prevalent in theancient.Players bet on the results of the three rotating rotationin thecage dice. You can bet on one or more digits on the desktop.Gametable bet area is divided into several parts, each the resultof aregional representative of the dice or a combination ofdifferentclasses.Game flow divided into the following areas:New start: At this point the dealer shaking dice clock, stopstartbettingWait bet: At this point the user can click on the bet areabet,after confirming the completion of betting, bets may not berevokedfrom the handPublication of the results: Dealer opened dice clock, showingdiceresults and winning regionalAn award: the type and amount of bets based on user, the resultofthe liquidationExplanation of terms:Full circumference: also known as leopard, referring to threediceexactly the same.Specify the full circumference: Pressure points out thewholecircumference specified 1,2,3,4,5 or 6Any full circumference: either the whole circumference,regardlessof the specific pointsSize: 11-17 points for a large sum, 4-19 points forsmall,encountered the full circumference (leopard) pass to killOdds: Size: 1 lose one, the case of the fullcircumference(leopard) pass to killSpecify the full circumference: 1 lost 150Any full circumference: 1 lost 24Total: sum Odds various different details, see the game tables,incase the whole circumference (leopard) pass to killSingle Points: 1 pay out a 1 1 lost two out of two, lost threeoutof three 1Pair: There are at least two user-selected points, 1 lost 8Pai Gow formula: 15 kinds of non-pair combinations of two dice,anda pay 5
PIPI & CACA 1.0.2
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PIPI and CACA are two loving birds living inaworld called "screen". They are cursed not to touch eachother.Help them to live forever.[How to play]1. Tap left half of the screen to flap PIPI.2. Tap right half of the screen to flap CACA.3. The two birds can not touch each other nor the ground.4. Each tap will consume the energy of the correspondingbird.5. Eating the bug/worm will recover the bird's stamina.